Alstertor Herring Filets in Dijon Mustard (CASE OF 18 x 200g)
Alstertor Herring Filets in Dill-Herb Sauce (CASE OF 16 x 200g)
Alstertor Herring Filets in Tomato Sauce (CASE OF 18 x 200g)
Alstertor Smoked Herring Filets in Oil (CASE OF 16 x 190g)
Angelo Parodi Boneless and Skinless Sardine Fillets in Olive Oil (CASE OF 25 x 105g)
Angelo Parodi Sardines in Olive Oil (CASE OF 50 x 120g)
Angelo Parodi Sardines in Olive Oil with Chili Peppers Tin (CASE OF 50 x 120g)
Angelo Parodi Selected and Hand Packed Mackerel Fillets in Olive Oil (CASE OF 50 x 125g)
Appel Burgundy Style Tender Herring Filets with Tomato (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Fried Herring Filets (CASE OF 20 x 325g)
Appel Herring Filets in Dijon Mustard Sauce (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Herring Filets in Salsa Picante Sauce (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Herring Filets in Sweet Chilli Sauce (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Herring Filets in Tuscan Sauce (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Herring Filets with Peri Mango Sauce (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Herring in Tomato Curry Sauce (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Makrel Fillets in Tomato Cream Sauce (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Tender Heringfilets with Tomato and Mozzarella (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Tender Herring Filets in Balkan Sauce (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Tender Herring Filets in Dill Herb Cream (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Tender Herring Filets in Horseradish Cream (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Tender Herring Filets in Mustard Egg Cream (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Tender Herring Filets in Paprika Cream (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Tender Herring Filets in Pepper Cream (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Appel Tender Herring Filets in Skyr Sauce with Fine Herbs (CASE OF 10 x 190g)
Appel Tender Herring Filets in Tomaten Creme (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Gut and Gunstig Cod Liver (CASE OF 12 x 121g)
Gut and Gunstig Fried Herring Filets (CASE OF 12 x 325g)
Gut and Gunstig Herring Filets in Mushroom Cream (CASE OF 19 x 200g)
Gut and Gunstig Herring Filets in Mustard Cream with Dill (CASE OF 19 x 200g)
Gut and Gunstig Herring Filets in Paprika Cream (CASE OF 19 x 200g)
Gut and Gunstig Herring Filets in Tomato Cream (CASE OF 19 x 200g)
Gut and Gunstig Herring Filets in Tomato Sauce (CASE OF 19 x 200g)
Gut and Gunstig Skinless Sardines without bones (CASE OF 28 x 125g)
Hawesta Herring Filets in Paprika Cream (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Hawesta Herring Filets in Pepper Cream (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Hawesta Herring Filets in Tomato Cream (CASE OF 10 x 200g)
Larsen Pacific Wild Salmon In Garten Herb Sauce (CASE OF 8 x 200g)
Larsen Pacific Wild Salmon in Tomato Mozarella Sauce (CASE OF 8 x 200g)
Larsen Wild Salmon In Chilli Lime Sauce (CASE OF 8 x 200g)
Meica Deutschlaender Sausages in Brine (CASE OF 12 x 360g)
Meica Mini Wini Cocktail Sausages in Brine (CASE OF 12 x 250g)
Meica Pork Frankfurter Sausages in Brine (CASE OF 12 x 180g)
Meica Pork Wiener Sausages in Brine (CASE OF 12 x 200g)
Meica Real German Sausages in Brine (CASE OF 12 x 250g)
Roland Flat Fillets of Anchovies (CASE OF 25 x 56g)
Ruegenfisch Boneless Skinless Salmon Filets (CASE OF 18 x 175g)
Ruegenfisch Fried Herring in Spicy Marinade (CASE OF 12 x 500g)
Ruegenfisch Herring Filets in Horseradish Sauce (CASE OF 18 x 200g)
Ruegenfisch Herring Filets in Hot Tomato Sauce (CASE OF 16 x 200g)
Ruegenfisch Herring Filets in Mustard Sauce (CASE OF 18 x 200g)
Ruegenfisch Herring Filets in Paprika Sauce (CASE OF 16 x 200g)
Ruegenfisch Herring Filets in Tomato Sauce (CASE OF 18 x 200g)
Ruegenfisch Herring Filets in White Wine Sauce (CASE OF 18 x 200g)
Ruegenfisch Mackerel Filets in Tomato Sauce (CASE OF 18 x 200g)
Ruegenfisch Smoked Herring Filets in Vegetable Oil (CASE OF 16 x 190g)
Ruegenfisch Smoked Kieler Sprats in Vegetable Oil (CASE OF 10 x 106g)
Ruegenfisch Smoked Mackerel Filets in Natural Juices (CASE OF 18 x 190g)
Ruegenfisch Smoked Mackerel Filets in Vegetable Oil (CASE OF 18 x 190g)
Ruegenfisch Smoked Peppered Herring Filets (CASE OF 16 x 200g)
Rugenfisch Shelf Stable Herring in Mustard Sauce Retro Tin (CASE OF 16 x 200g)
Rugenfisch Shelf Stable Herring in Tomato Sauce Retro Tin (CASE OF 16 x 200g)
Stahly Haggis Scottish (CASE OF 12 x 425g)
Christmas/Seasonal: British and Irish
Christmas/Seasonal: German and European
Dried and Cured Meat (Shelf Stable)
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